Who has two thumbs and installs graphic displays like lightning? THINKFABRIC was used by Phil, seen below, for the flawless install in minutes of this large backdrop for use at an event. This stretch fabric display works by pushing rubber edges into a metal frame. The fabric graphics are incredibly light and will fold down into a small size, so they can be reused or replaced with ease. The frame is one we own, and we rented it for this specific event. Fabric displays like this can be reused and are cost effective to replace. A little bit of investment is required for the hardware, but in retail situations this is a no-brainer, but for a conference it can be nice to borrow Phil.

That is FAB! What else can you do?
…I hear you ask. The answer is sooo many things, but below is a selection and summary of a few. These include FLAGS, TABLECLOTHS, BANNERS, SOCK BACKDROPS, LIGHTBOXES, STRETCH DISPLAYS etc. but we can produce anything FABRIC from cushions to deck chairs!!!

You can see three kinds above but these range in size, shape and type. How they are being used effects the base required, and the design will be affected by the shape, so it is best to start a conversation with us early in the design process. These can be 2m high for indoor use, or MASSIVE with weighted bases for use outdoor.
Stretch fabrics with rubber edges can be pushed into frames to create a perfect display, like the one Phil is standing proudly in front of. These can be permanent, with interchangeable graphics, or self-built and free standing. A big benefit to this kind of frame is that they can be backlit, which means vibrant light emitting displays and even double-sided totems. These are trickier to install and require a power source, but just get in touch and we can explain how they work.
A lightweight aluminium frame that fits into a duffle bag alongside a stretch FABRIC sock; the perfect accompaniment to your event or exhibition. Install a perfect free-standing display in minutes and watch any creases smooth out themselves.
Gallery images, Light Boxes and TABLECLOTHS
Light boxes require fixtures and a power source, whilst tablecloths are custom made to fit the size you need.
Please drop Tap an email if you have any queries or questions at all. tap@thinkambient.co.uk